Anne Pollack – Master Flute Technician – has spent over 40 years working on flutes. Her background as Manager of the Repair Department and as Flute Tester at Powell Flutes has established Anne as a talented force in the universe of Flute Repair and Restoration. Amongs Annes’ responsibilities was the training of Repair Technicians. Her repair work and her flute repair classes have taken her far and wide…to Aspen, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Paris, San Juan, and further. Invariably all roads always lead Anne back to the music world of NYC!
Having released 2 CD’s as a flutist and composer, received numerous performance and composition grants (NEA and Meet-the-Composer), and been at the head of various ensembles that kept her busy performing internationally since 1980, Anne truly understands the flute – and flutists – from all angles. Trained as a classical flutist, and having deeply explored the realms of improvised music stemming from Jazz, Anne’s relationship to her work as a flute technician comes from her sensibilities as a musician…propelling her to match her clients exacting professional needs with her high standards and her diligent artistry.
Your Flute Works has brought Anne Pollack into close contact with the luminaries of the flute world. Her clients range between world renowned soloists, studio and Broadway musicians, orchestral flutists, conservatory professors and students, and a huge array of passionate flutists from all walks of their musicals lives. Her 15 years of maintaining a teaching studio in her home has added to heighten her awareness and her sensitivity to musicians of all stripes. Anne thoroughly enjoys the challenge of helping each and every flutist who comes through her door to reach their highest potential, no matter what their musical goals entail.
Anne enjoys meeting clients in her home/shop in Yonkers, NY…and in her workspace in NYC.
Visit Anne Pollack Productions for more information about Anne